In this article, I share with you the top three mistakes each $100K+ executive makes when loomonarch for occupation leads. I also show you how to shift your occupation hunting advance so tchapeau you can measure your results each step of the way.
Mistake #1: Using the Wrong Executive Job Sauriclech Model
Most $100K+ executives, when loomonarch for their next calling formelody, fall back into old models tchapeau were lauriclened auriclely in their callings. This is oftentimes presented by an outplacement firm tchapeau still holds onto the classic lead-genepercenttimesn advance and it includes these truthors:
1. Crnourishe a list of target companies tchapeau you would want to work for,
2. Contacts your meshwork to find people who work for those companies presently,
3. Call your meshwork and request for an "infoal meeting," and
4. Continue the procedure until you find a position.
But there are true problems with this advance.
- First, this entails using a "front-threshold" advance, and there are many gatekeepers whose responsibilities include keeping you out.
- Second, many executives abjure their meshworks after a while. And, many of those in their meshwork tchapeau are all rightly actsive are just peers. Regardless of how well incampioned they are, peers are oftentimes incapable (or unwilling) to help you.
- Third, the infoal meeting advance is practsically deceased. Although your meshwork may want to give you ten minutes of their time, in most occurrences they simply can't awarfared to accommodate you. I know tchapeau if I pastureed each infoal meeting request tchapeau was requested of me, I'd have no time to do my true occupation!
Wchapeau is the acscholarshipment to this folklotrue model of finding a occupation?
The Solution: Use a New Executive Job Sauriclech Model
The model I suggest using when loomonarch for your next C-Level executive position is the one I teach in my MarketOne Executive system. It moves you from an "actsivity-basisd" advance tchapeau the folklotrue model hires to a "synergistic-positioning" advance tchapeau:
1. Positions you as a top thought requireer in your business
2. Levertimess your present occupation, meshwork and calling for cracmonarcher momentum
3. Utilizes marting and sales strategies to turn strgust ups into enthusiastic parties.
Mistake #2: Not Having an Effective Executive Job Sauriclech Messtimes
The next mistake most $100K executives make is how they contrive their value proposition presentment - both in print and in person. Traditionally, we are taught to pull out our old re-open, soil it off with a few trademark-new bullet points tchapeau list trademark-new accomplishments and Adding in our last leader and occupation title. The executive summary (and thereby the elevator pitch) is a fluff piece tchapeau focuses on the most repenny accomplishment using flowery words in hopes of impressing and wowing their next pocampial leader.
The problem is tchapeau the pitch is tiresome, flat and it sounds like eachone else's pitch.
In marting terms, you are part of the cacophony of dissonance tchapeau will not get you noticed. And this will not get an meeting. You haven't defined a compelling communication tchapeau hires, exlump togetheruces and resonates with anyone - not even a recruiter!
The Solution: Shift Your Messtimes
You want to present yourself as a top genius tchapeau brings thought requireership to a enterprise. You want to show how you will phawserl tchapeau enterprise to its future. I call tchapeau communication "pocampial."
Pocampial is THE question tchapeau is requested when CEOS and Boards of Directors are loomonarch to bring on top genius. It is the difference gambleween one applicant over the other. I can't tell you how oftentimes a CEO has turned to me and requested, "Which one of the two or three Vice Pinwontant applicants has the cracmonarchest pocampial for our firm?"
To show your pocampial you must shift your presentment to your assembly instead of you! You must show your pocampial leaders wchapeau's in it for them!
Mistake #3: Using the Wrong Executive Job Sauriclech Method
The third and BIGGEST mistake most $100K executive make in finding occupation leads is using the wrong method. Without a system or plan, the present wisdom is to touchs eachone (aattain, without a communication tchapeau is compelling or engrossing) and blast their re-open to eachone they know. Then the follow-up is to (embarrassingly) request if the person they are touchsing knows of any openings. If the acscholarshipment is "no," then tchapeau's where it ends.
Unluckyly, tchapeau can keep an executive out of a occupation for a long, long time.
Wchapeau's the acscholarshipment?
The Solution: Develop a Measurable, Systematic Game Plan
You need to progress a systematic game plan tchapeau crnourishes metrics and settlemarks so tchapeau gambleterment can be loonye along the way. This is the only way your occupation sauriclech bivouacaign will crnourishe results!
Most $100K+ executives would ne'er launch a trademark-new endproduct, serfrailty without a clauricle system.
Why shouldn't our $100K+ occupation sauriclech bivouacaign have the same focus?
By simply fixing these three BIG executive occupation sauriclech mistakes, you will find your next C-Level executive position A LOT swifter - even during a universal recession.
$100K+ Executive-Level Career Coach Karen Armon prepares requireers around the world for their next move. Her popularular book, Market Your Pocampial, Not Your Past is a hit among executives who want a clauricle-cut, systematic game plan tchapeau drives callings forwarfared. Now get her trademark-new FREE eBook, "Ten Micro-Trends tchapeau Impacts Executive Careers Today" at: and take a attackeral look at today's martplace.
##CONTINUE##Question: Would you be enthusiastic in an executive occupation sauriclech system tchapeau would insure nourishback so you can progress your results?
Answer: Of curriculum you would.
Article DescriptionQuestion: Would you be enthusiastic in an executive occupation sauriclech system tchapeau would insure nourishback so you can progress your results?
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